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Smoothline® Gutter


SKU: Smoothline-Gutter

Featuring a smooth, attractive profile with a curved front and a flat back, Smoothline Gutter is suited to both modern and traditional homes. Smoothline Gutter has internal brackets for a clean appearance, it is easy to install and maintain. Manufactured in Christchurch.

Smooth, Flowing Curves

Adaptable, elegant and practical guttering

Smoothline Gutter features a smooth, curved front with a flat back for stability. The curved profile of Smoothline Gutter is not only attractive, it also reduces the risk of debris build up due to its self cleaning nature.

Available in un-painted zinc/al or in a large range or pre-painted colours, Smoothline Gutter will complement both modern and traditional homes. Complete your project with an extensive range of Smoothline Gutter accessories including stop ends and brackets.

Available Colours:


Tensile (MPa) BMT (mm) Type Capacity (mm²) Total Cross Section
Area (mm²)
G550 0.45 Standard 8748 10124

Note: Calculation of the effective cross sectional area ‘Capacity’ is based on the requirements of section 3.8 AS/NZS 2179.1:1994.

Rainfall Intensity (ARI) mm/hr 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
Catchment Area Per Downpipe (m2) 204 170 145 127 113 102 92 85 78 73 68 64 60 57 54 51


Gutters Guttering Gutter Smoothline Profile

Gutters Guttering Gutter Smoothline Profile

Dimensions (mm)
A 51
B 138
C 104

Gutter Accessories

smoothline gutter stop end.jpg

Stop End

Individual stop ends can be supplied in left and right hand ready for on site installation.

Gutters Guttering Gutter OG Accessory Bracket Strap

Internal Str-8-line Strap

Brackets for gutters should be located close to all stop-ends, at both ends of sumps and rain-heads at a maximum of 750mm spacing for gutters less than 180mm wide, and at 600mm for gutters 180 – 300mm wide.

In snow load areas, spouting may be fitted with snow straps and brackets at a maximum of 600mm centres to withstand the additional potential weight of any snow build-up.

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