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Outback® Flat


SKU: Outback-Flat

Create an attractive and functional outdoor living area that will enhance your home and lifestyle with the smooth, simple, uncluttered lines of the classic Stratco Outback Flat Roof Verandah, Patio or Carport.

Outback® Flat Verandah

Adapt the versatile Stratco Outback Flat Verandah to your home

Create a functional outdoor living area that will enhance your home and lifestyle with the smooth, simple, uncluttered lines of the classic Stratco Outback Flat Roof Verandah. The versatile Flat Roof Verandah system can be configured to cover any area around the home.

It is ideal as a single unit or incorporated with a gable roof, curved roof, or opening roof system. Available as either a freestanding structure or attached to the home it can be used as a verandah, patio or carport. With the addition of the Stratco Outback Rooflite™ you can supply filtered light to the underside. The beams can span up to 8.4 metres and are available in either 120mm or 150mm sizes.

I was so impressed by the 1-piece profiled beams that were so strong they could span 8.4 metres without support columns giving me beautiful uninterrupted views.

Four patio configurations to choose from:

  • Type One has a 4.5 metre maximum span and only requires an outside beam to support the structure, although most units use perimeter beams on all sides to provide the best appearance.
  • Type Two is the same, but with an overhang at the front to increase the covered area to 5.4 metres.
  • Type Three has support beams across the span so the roof sheets can run horizontally for a different appearance.
  • Type Four has extra support beams and a purlin through the middle to give it a span of 8.4 metres.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Page

Leave the hard work to Stratco

Uncomplicated by design, have your Flat Roof Outback Verandah installed by an Authorised Stratco Dealer and just enjoy your outdoor dream coming to life.

Contact your nearest Stratco or Authorised Stratco Dealer and let us show you the difference a Stratco Verandah living solution can make to your home and lifestyle!

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Page

Maximum Spans

Flat Verandah Attached - Maximum Spans (mm)
Wind Speed Type 1A 120
or 150 Beam
Type 2A 120
or 150 Beam
Type 3A Type 4A
120 Beam 150 Beam 120 Beam 150 Beam
Low 4500 4500 7200 8400 6000 8400
Medium 4500 4500 7200 8400 6000 8400
High 4500 4500 7200 8400 6000 8400
Very High 4500 4500 7200 8400 6000 8400

Spans do not apply to snow loading applications.

Flat Verandah Freestanding - Maximum Span (mm)
Wind Speed Type 1F 120
or 150 Beam
Type 2F 120
or 150 Beam
Type 3F Type 4F
120 Beam 150 Beam 120 Beam 150 Beam
Low 4500 4500 7200 8400 6000 8400
Medium 4500 4500 7200 8400 6000 8400
High 4500 4500 7200 8400 6000 8400
Very High 4500 4500 7200 8400 6000 8400

Spans do not apply to snow loading applications.

Connection Details

Flat Attached

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Attached Connection

Flat Freestanding

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Freestanding Connection


  1. Roofing Deck
  2. Beams
  3. Gutter
  4. Back Channel and BIP Foam
  5. Columns
  6. Downpipe
  7. Downpipe Strap
  8. Downpipe Outlet
  9. Gutter Mitre
  10. Gutter Stop End
  11. Wall Bracket
  12. Beam End Bracket
  13. Notched Beam Filler
  14. Beam to Beam Bracket
  15. Post Bracket
  16. Post Cap
  17. Freestanding Column Bracket

Installation Video

Fixing Details

For Non-Cyclonic Areas

Two 12 x 20mm self drilling screws per pan at each support and two 3.2mm sealed aluminium rivets per pan at the back channel. If decking runs parallel to the back channel, secure to channel with rivets at maximum 200mm centres. All screws require neoprene washers.

For Cyclonic Areas

Three 12 x 20mm self drilling screws per pan at each support. For deck spans less than 3600mm, two self drilling screws per pan are to be used on the fascia beam. Three 4.8mm sealed aluminium rivets per pan (or 150mm centres if sheets are parallel) are to be used on the back channel. All screws require neoprene washers.

Roof Sheeting

Roofing Deck

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Component Deck

Stratco Rooflite

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Component Rooflite

Structural Sections

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Component Beam

120mm Beam

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Component Beam

150mm Beam

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Component Post

Post | Purlin

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Component Channel

Back Channel

Design Considerations

Gable or curved units attached between a flat unit and an existing structure

Gable or curved units which are attached between a flat unit (excluding pergolas) and an existing house, are only be considered attached if the gable or curved unit is attached to the existing house (C) for its full length (L) and the longest side of the combined unit (B) does not exceed twice the gable or curved unit length (L). The flat unit in this case can be considered attached. This style requires all coloumns to be embedded into footings.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Configuration

The unit is considered attached if: B = 2 L or less, and C = L


Gable or curved units attached to a flat unit on one or both sides

Gable or curved units which are attached on one or both sides to flat units, (excluding pergolas) must be attached to a house for at least 75% of the gable or curved opening length (O) to be considered attached. Flat units must be deemed attached as detailed in the flat unit section below for the gable or curved unit to be considered attached.

Gable or curved units are considered attached on both sides if both the flat 1 and 2 comply with the attachment rules for flat units as detailed below. Gable or curved units are considered attached on one side if only one flat unit exists and it complies with the attachment rules for flat units as detailed below.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Configuration

The gable | curved unit is considered attached if:  C = 0.75 of O or more

Flat units

A patio or carport is deemed to be freestanding unless it is attached to an existing house (C) for at least 75% of the length of its shortest side (A), and its longest side (B) does not exceed twice the length of its shortest side.

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Configuration

The unit is considered attached if:  B = 2 A or less, and C = 0.75 A or more


Design Options

When designing a Stratco Verandah, consideration should be given to both the roof sheet direction, and the orientation of any openings and overhangs involved. These are often determined by appearence and drainage requirements. Some of the normal configurations are shown below. Contact Stratco if assistance is required.

Attached to a flat unit on one side and a wall or fascia on one end

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Configuration

Attached both sides to the flat unit and the wall or fascia on the opposite side

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Configuration

Attached to the flat unit on both sides and the wall or fascia on one end

Patios Verandah Carport Outback Flat Configuration

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